Battle Honour 'IRAQ 2003'

Thu, 11/10/2005
Detail of a Regimental Colour, The Royal Irish Regiment.

The distinction IRAQ 2003 is emblazoned on the Regimental Colours of The Royal Irish Regiment.

BH IRAQ 2003The Battle Honour* for operations during the Iraq War (Operation TELIC) was announced by Mr Adam Ingram, Minister of State (Armed Forces) Ministry of Defence, in a Defence Written Statement released on 10 November 2005:

In June 2005 Her Majesty The Queen graciously approved the award of a theatre honour ("Iraq 2003") ... for units of the British Army. Subsequently, individual regiments and corps applied to the Army Honours and Distinctions Committee for the award of these Honours. Following receipt of the committee's recommendations, the Executive Committee of the Army Board has sought, and obtained, Her Majesty's gracious approval.

Iraq Op TELICLeft; a Section 2IC of 4 Platoon, B Company, 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment, in Kuwait, during preparations for Operation TELIC, the invasion of Iraq, 23 February 2003 (© Image Copyright IWM (OP-TELIC 03-010-13-136)).

It is correctly titled a Theatre Honour but is usually described in our Virtual Military Gallery as a Battle Honour for ease of reference.
