Germans surrender to Montgomery, NW Germany.

Fri, 05/04/1945
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery signing the Instrument of Surrender of German forces in North-West Europe at Luneberg Heath.

The New York Times described the events thus:

'After lunch, Field Marshal Montgomery called the Germans back for further consultation, and there he delivered his ultimatum...He told the Germans:

"You must understand three things: Firstly, you must surrender to me unconditionally all the German forces in Holland, Friesen and the Frisian Islands and Helgoland and all other islands in Schleswig-Holstein and in Denmark. Secondly, when you have done that, I am prepared to discuss with you the implications of your surrender: how we will dispose of those surrendered troops, how we will occupy the surrendered territory, how we will deal with the civilians, and so forth. And my third point: If you do not agree to Point 1, the surrender, then I will go on with the war and I will be delighted to do so." Monty added, as an after-thought, "All your soldiers and civilians may be killed."'

To watch the signing of the surrender documents, click on Germans Surrender to Montgomery and when complete, please click on your backbrowser to return to this site.
